城市人居环境研究中一个重要的理论问题就是人居环境吸引力。本文提出人居环境吸引力和引力场的概念,构建了社区人居环境满意度指标体系,运用引力势能模型计算出184个社区的人居环境引力势能,借助Maplnfo软件中的Vertical Mapper工具得到大莲市人居环境引力势能等值线图和空间分布图,研究表明:(1)运用引力场理论对人居环境评价研究,是一种有效的评价方法;(2)大连市社区人居环境供求关系在空间上形成了“两心一带”分布格局;(3)大连市社区人居环境引力势能空间分异明显,大致呈东北西南向“带状”分布,在中心广场、西安路锦辉商场等值线由同心圆状向外逐渐递减;(4)社区人居环境供求关系与引力势能成正比,与社区与引力势能中心的距离呈反比,城市空间发展结构、海岸带是大连人居环境引力势能空间分布的驱动机制。
The attraction of human settlements is becoming an important theoretical issue in the study of urban human settlements. In this paper, we first proposed the concepts of human settlements' attraction and human settlements" gravity field. Then, we constructed an index system for the environmental satisfaction of human settlements community and calculated the gravity field strength of 184 communities in Dalian using the gravitational potential energy model. Finally, we developed an isogram and spatial distribution map of gravity field strength of urban human settlements in Dalian with Vertical Mapper provided in MapInfo. The main conclusions of this study are drawn as follows. (1) Gravity field theory proves to be an effective method in evaluating human settlements. (2) The supply and demand of the human settlements community graphically has two centers and one coastal zone. (3) The gravitational potential energy of the human settlements community differentiates greatly in space. (4) The supply and demand of the community human settlement is proportional to gravitational potential energy, but inversely proportional to the distance between the community and the center of gravitational potential energy. The space development of the city and its coastal habitat is the main factor driving the distribution of environment gravitational potential energy in Dalian.