In this paper, root morphogensis, root anatomy, and the branching pattern of young roots in Isoetes orientalis, a Chinese endemic aquatic fern, were investigated from sections in paraffin wax. The mature root in Isoetes is composed of epidermis, outer cortex, connective cells, central vascular tissue, and aerenchyma. Prior to branching, three primordial cells at centre of the apical meristem of the young root of I. orientalis differentiate into root initial cells. The root initial cells further differentiate equally into outer and inner initial cells. The outer initial cells constitute the central core of each new branching root and subsequently formed an inverted "Y" shaped structure in the root. The root cap occurs immediately beneath the outer initial cells. The number of tracheids in vascular tissues of the root varies considerably among different species of Isoetes. This study means significant to the ontogeny of Isoetes.