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  • ISSN号:1672-8785
  • 期刊名称:红外
  • 时间:2014
  • 页码:26-32
  • 分类:P631[天文地球—地质矿产勘探;天文地球—地质学] TP301.6[自动化与计算机技术—计算机系统结构;自动化与计算机技术—计算机科学与技术]
  • 作者机构:[1]Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography, PLA University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 211101, P. R. China, [2]Key Laboratory of Microwave Remote Sensing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 10019-0, P.R. China
  • 相关基金:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.41205013 and 41105012)
  • 相关项目:基于信息容量的大气廓线遥感与反演能力研究

This paper established a geophysical retrieval algorithm for sea surface wind vector, sea surface temperature, columnar atmospheric water vapor, and columnar cloud liquid water from WindSat, using the measured brightness temperatures and a matchup database. To retrieve the wind vector, a chaotic particle swarm approach was used to determine a set of possible wind vector solutions which minimize the difference between the forward model and the WindSat observations. An adjusted circular median filtering function was adopted to remove wind direction ambiguity. The validation of the wind speed, wind direction, sea surface temperature, columnar atmospheric water vapor, and columnar liquid cloud water indicates that this algorithm is feasible and reasonable and can be used to retrieve these atmospheric and oceanic parameters. Compared with moored buoy data, the RMS errors for wind speed and sea surface temperature were 0.92 m s-1 and 0.88℃, respectively. The RMS errors for columnar atmospheric water vapor and columnar liquid cloud water were 0.62 mm and 0.01 mm, respectively, compared with F17 SSMIS results. In addition, monthly average results indicated that these parameters are in good agreement with AMSR-E results. Wind direction retrieval was studied under various wind speed conditions and validated by comparing to the Quik SCAT measurements, and the RMS error was 13.3?. This paper offers a new approach to the study of ocean wind vector retrieval using a polarimetric microwave radiometer.


This paper established a geophysical retrieval algorithm for sea surface wind vector, sea surface temperature, columnar atmospheric water vapor, and columnar cloud liquid water from WindSat, using the measured brightness temperatures and a matchup database. To retrieve the wind vector, a chaotic particle swarm approach was used to determine a set of possible wind vector solutions which minimize the difference between the forward model and the WindSat observations. An adjusted circular median filtering function was adopted to remove wind direction ambiguity. The validation of the wind speed, wind direction, sea surface temperature, columnar atmospheric water vapor, and columnar liquid cloud water indicates that this algorithm is feasible and reasonable and can be used to retrieve these atmospheric and oceanic parameters. Compared with moored buoy data, the RMS errors for wind speed and sea surface temperature were 0.92 m s~(-1) and 0.88℃, respectively. The RMS errors for columnar atmospheric water vapor and columnar liquid cloud water were 0.62 mm and 0.01 mm, respectively, compared with F17 SSMIS results. In addition, monthly average results indicated that these parameters are in good agreement with AMSR-E results. Wind direction retrieval was studied under various wind speed conditions and validated by comparing to the Quik SCAT measurements, and the RMS error was 13.3?. This paper offers a new approach to the study of ocean wind vector retrieval using a polarimetric microwave radiometer.

  • 《红外》
  • 主管单位:中国科学院
  • 主办单位:中国科学院上海技术物理研究所 中国遥感应用协会
  • 主编:陈桂林
  • 地址:上海市玉田路500号
  • 邮编:200083
  • 邮箱:iredit@mail.sitp.ac.cn
  • 电话:021-25051554 25051555
  • 国际标准刊号:ISSN:1672-8785
  • 国内统一刊号:ISSN:31-1304/TN
  • 邮发代号:4-290
  • 获奖情况:
  • 国内外数据库收录:
  • 美国化学文摘(网络版)
  • 被引量:2775