针对现有的大多数骨骼动画数据格式读取解析效率低和顶点着色器的特性导致GPU性能受到限制的问题,提出海洋生物骨骼动画的数据管理和绘制两方面整体性优化设计方案。数据上采用FBX文件格式,经过数据预处理转换成特定的数据格式;绘制上采用基于VTF(Vertex Texture Fetch)技术的GPU加速算法,通过将骨骼矩阵、权重和偏移量预创建成纹理来减少CPU与GPU之间的通讯次数;最终实现海洋生物的骨骼动画仿真系统。
Most data formats of skeletal animation are not suitable for high performance system, because they aim at data exchange and have low speed of the loading and parsing. In addition, due to the limited number of constant registers, GPU cannot be utilized fully. This paper presents an optimized scheme for data management and rendering of the skeletal animation. Firstly, in data preprocessing stage the system converts the FBX data format into data format which it employed. Secondly, in rendering stage, a GPU-accelerated approach based on VTF (Vertex Texture Fetch) technology is used by pre-creating the matrixes of bones, weights and offsets into the textures to reduce the bandwidth of communication between CPU and GPU. The paper finally realizes the simulation system of skeletal animation for marine life.