Camptothecin(CPT), a pentacyclic alkaloid isolated by Wall in 1966 from the Chinese tree Camptotheca acuminate.The study which possesses an interesting antitumor activity has aroused great attention of scientists. It has been found out that the cytotoxic activity of CPT was attributed to the mechanism of action involving the nuclear enzyme classified as type I DNA topoisomerase. However, the poor solubility in water and significant side effects of CPT has strongly restricted its clinical uses. During the half century, based on the studies of mechanism of action, many derivatives of CPT have been synthesized and some of which are in various stages of preclinical and clinical development. Among them, only two derivatives, topotecan and irinotecan, have successfully entered into the market and are used as topoisomerase I poisons in clinical practice. This review summarizes the progress and challenges of developing CPT derived anticancer drugs.