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  • ISSN号:1001-9677
  • 期刊名称:广州化工
  • 时间:2013.6.6
  • 页码:1-6+40
  • 分类:TQ207[化学工程—有机化工] F740[经济管理—国际贸易;经济管理—产业经济]
  • 作者机构:[1]清华大学环境学院,环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室,国家环境保护生态工业重点实验室,北京100084
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41071352);清华大学自主科研计划资助项目(20121088096).
  • 相关项目:基于复杂网络的工业生态化演进机制解析与系统模拟



An analysis of global organic chemicals trade based on complex network method was presented. Both un- weighted and weighted directed networks of organic chemicals and its three sub - class products including ethylene, pro- pylene, and butadiene were set up, and the scale -free, assortative, and clustering properties of these networks were studied. Node degree and node strength showed that there was an uneven distribution in both trade relationship and trade amount. The degree distribution identified that the unweighted network of organic chemicals followed an exponential degree distribution, but there was no obvious distribution characteristic with weighted network. The unweighted export networks of three sub -class products showed scale -free features with a power -law degree distribution. However, the import net- works of these three sub - class products followed an exponential degree distribution, indicating homogeneous import and inhomogeneous export. The weighted networks of the sub - class products followed two sections of truncated power - law degree distribution. Correlation analysis showed that all these networks were degree - degree weakly disassortative, but they had strong strength disassortative. Additionally, all of the four networks presented high clustering coefficient. Based on the analysis, our study contributed to a better understanding of the global organic chemicals trade from a holistic per- spective. It also provided a reference for China's trade strategy of organic chemicals.

  • 《广州化工》
  • 主管单位:广州化工集团有限公司
  • 主办单位:广州市化学化工学会 广州市化学工业研究设计院 广州市化工行业协会
  • 主编:吴文莉
  • 地址:广州市白云区石井镇联和路2号万力创新园D座
  • 邮编:510425
  • 邮箱:gzhgbjb@vip.126.com gzhgbjb@126.com
  • 电话:020-36372165
  • 国际标准刊号:ISSN:1001-9677
  • 国内统一刊号:ISSN:44-1228/TQ
  • 邮发代号:
  • 获奖情况:
  • 全国第一届优秀科技期刊,广东首届优秀期刊,广州首届优秀期刊
  • 国内外数据库收录:
  • 美国化学文摘(网络版)
  • 被引量:20516