Mergers and acquisitions have become a global phenom- enon and a popular strategy for firms' growth and expansion. And these kinds of strategic actions are risky and require major resource commitment. The acquirers may come with uncertainty coming from both the external environment and the internal situation, and require a variety of knowledge such as financial techniques, capital markets, and transaction structures. This article studies how firms manage uncertainty and control risks in the process of M&A, and reveals the mechanism for using professional advisors such as in- vestment banks. By focusing on the deal level factors, it is argued that when information asymmetry risk in pre-acquisition phase is high, the acquirers may lack sufficient information and knowledge to evaluate the assets of the target firms; when integration risk in the post- acquisition phase is high, the aequirers may face with managerial difficulties in integrating the two parties and develop- ing new business. Under the above two conditions, the acquirers tend to retain several kinds of professional advisors who have M&A knowledge and experience to manage uncertainty and control risks. The dataset used covers 509 deals announced by the listed firms in Chinese stock market during the time period of 2004 and 2010. This paper finds that more professional advisors are used in the pre- acquisition and post-acquisition phases if the acquirers have less industrial knowledge about the target firms, have no prior invest- ment in the target firms, conduct transactions in unfavorable market conditions, merge relatively large target firms, and carry out partial acquisitions. The results show that professional advisors such as financial advisors, legal advisors and assets evaluation companies are information providers and M&A experts, and may help the ac- quirers to reduce uncertainty that may lead to unfavorable acquisi- tion outcomes. So by developing theoretical models and empirical studies, the present paper examines relatively unexplaine