Rongwei Gan was born in 1982. He is now pursing the Ph.D. in the School of Information Science and Technology of Sun Yat-sen Uni- versity. His research interests include evolu- tionary computation algorithm and combination auction. E-mall: Qingshun Guo was born in 1959. He is a doc- tor and associate professor at the Department of Computer Science of Sun Yat-sen University. His research interests are enterprise information and combination acution. E-mail: Huiyou Chang was born in 1962. He is a doctor and professor at the Department of Computer Science of Sun Yat-sen University. His research interests are artificial optimization & intelligent algorithm, data mining and workflow. E-mail: isschy Corresponding author.Yang Yi was born in 1967. She is a doctor and associate professor at the Department of Com- puter Science of Sun Yat-sen University. Her re- search interests include complex system model- ing and optimization, and evolutionary compu- tation algorithm. E-mall: issyy @