通过分析波浪能利用背景,提出点吸收式波浪能发电技术是波浪能开发利用的一种重要方式。以安装位置、能量传递方式和振荡浮子个数对点吸收式波浪能发电装置进行了分类。结合研究现状,对各类点吸收波浪能收集、转化和传递方法及其应用的优缺点进行了综合比较和分析。结果表明:安装于离岸10~25 m处,以多个振荡浮子组成的浮子阵列为能量摄取机构,以液压或直线电机为能量传递方式是目前点吸收波浪能发电技术的研究热点,在波浪能利用领域具有广阔的发展前景。
After analyzing the context of wave energy utilization, this paper puts forward that the point absorber wave power generation technology is an efficient way to tap wave energy and the most important research direction. The wave energy converter devices are classified in terms of installing location, energy transferring mode and the number of oscillating floaters. Combined with the research status, the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of point absorber wave energy capturing, converting and transferring methods have been analyzed and compared in a comprehensive way. The results show that point absorber wave energy converters installed 10 to 25 m away from coast, wave energy intake equipment composed of array buoys and the energy transferring mode using hydraulic or direct drive generator are research focuses and have wide prospect in the field of wave power utilization.