Atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) were weekly monitored for 2 months in Shenzhen Nantou Island during the winter of 2006. The detected PAHs were mainly of vapor phase compounds with phenanthrene dominant. The mean concentration of vapor phase and particulate phase PAHs was 99.3ng/m^3 and 26.4 ng/m3,respectively. Meteorological condition showed great effect on atmospheric PAHs concentration. The higher PAHs level observed during haze weather may result from the accumulation of pollutants under decreased boundary layer,slower wind speed,and long-term dryness conditions. In addition,rainfall significantly clear away particle phase PAHs. The sources of PAHs were drawn by principal factor analysis(PCA) in combination with diagnostic ratios. It is indicated that vehicle exhaust,coal combustion and solid waste incinerator was the major PAHs source,which contributes to 50.0%,29.4% and 20.6% of the total PAHs released,respectively.