车轮沿钢轨行进过程中,作为直接影响列车运行品质的关键性因素,摩擦因数受钢轨表面各种因素的影响.围绕钢轨摩擦因数测定这一重要课题,介绍一种使用摆式摩擦因数测定仪测定钢轨动摩擦因数的方法;并以铁路中常用的 60 kg/m钢轨为对象,测定钢轨表面在洁净、铁锈和油污 3种状态下的动摩擦因数.研究结果表明:在摆式仪上增加动态测力装置可以测定钢轨的动摩擦因数.工程实际中,对不同环境下的钢轨进行摩擦因数测定,可为列车的安全运行提供依据.
As a key factor to affect the running quality of the train,the friction coefficient is influenced by variousfactors when wheels are moving along the rails. Based on the important topic of measuring the friction coefficientof rails, this paper produced a method to measure the dynamic friction coefficient of rails by using pendulumtester. It described the measurement principles, structure and procedures. Using the 60 kg/m rail as experimentalmaterials, researchers measured the dynamic friction coefficient of rail under different factors. Results show asfollows: This method is able to measure the dynamic friction coefficient of rails by increasing dynamic straindevice. Using this method to the actual engineering, notable effect is obtained to ensure the safety of railwayoperation.