The ornamentations of testa in nineteen plants of Pedicularis in the alpine meadows of east Qinghai--Xizang Plateau were studied by SEM. The results showed four types of testa ornamentations in the genus: reticulation, membraneous reticulation, spongy reticulation, and stria. Membranous reticulation ornamentation of testa is possibly the most evolutionary type in this genus and spongy reticulation takes second place. The type with subtle reticulation under a membrane ot bottom reticulation is more evolutionary among reuculation types. There may be evolvement in reticulation types from those with irregular tuber in the bottom reticulation to the ones with subtle reticulation in the bottom reticulation. Lengthways ridges of reticulation are universally extruded while widthways ridges of reticulation are located in the reticulation bottom of reticulation types. Whether there is evolution between reticulation and stria types is uncertain. The ornamentation of the testa is of some ecological significance. Seeds are probably protected by a membranous reticulation structure while spongy reticulation and subtle reticulation in the reticulation bottom may facilitate seeds imbibing water when germinating.