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  • 期刊名称:人类学学报2010, 29(3): 227-241.(国内核心)
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:K871.11[历史地理—考古学及博物馆学;历史地理—历史学]
  • 作者机构:[1]中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所,北京100044, [2]中国科学院人类演化实验室,北京100044, [3]中国科学院研究生院,北京100049, [4]武汉大学历史学院考古系,武汉430072, [5]法国国家科研中心UMR7041上新世及更新世技术、空间与地域人类学研究实验室,巴黎第十大学考古学与民族学研究中心,巴黎92023, [6]重庆师范大学,重庆400047
  • 相关基金:本文工作得到国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:40872023)、国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2006CB806400)和科技部科技基础性工作专项项目(2007FY110200)的共同资助. 致谢:技工刘光彩参加了本次试掘工作,同时制作图1,完成了图7,9,10的标本拍摄与后期制作,作者谨致谢忱.
  • 相关项目:龙骨坡遗址早期人类技术起源研究



The Sankeshu Paleolithic site was discovered in the northeast area of Donggutuo village, Yangyuan County, Hebei Province. From a test excavation in autumn of 2008, 251 stone artifacts and some fragmentary bones and teeth were unearthed in four cultural layers. The artifacts included: cores, flakes, tools, chunks and debris, with tools represented by scrapers, points, endscrapers, notches, denticulates, burins, awls and borers. Endscrapers and notches were common in lay artifacts were small chert, dolomite and ers 4 and 5. Six "DGT cores" were found in layers 4-6. Most of stone and middle sized. Raw material was mainly quartzose sandstone, quartz, basalt, which were common in local bedrock and cobbles. Like the Hougou site, the Sankeshu site is also located in the upper part of the Nihewan Beds and thus belongs to a rarely found late period site in this area. This site is situated just below the Hougou site and above the Maliang site, and therefore the age of the site should be later than the former but earlier than the latter. Considering the cultural features, materials from this site can reasonably belong to the middle or late period of the Middle Pleistocene. The discovery of " DGT cores" here strengthens the significance of this site for discussing tradition of small tool industry including microlithic culture in north China.

期刊论文 29 会议论文 15 著作 2