A new classification method based on spatial semi-supervised Gaussian processes (SSGP) was proposed to address the problem of low hyperspectral imagery classification performance caused by a small number of labeled training samples. As the feature space of a hyperspectral imagery satisfies the assump- tion of manifold distribution, a lot of unlabeled samples will make the feature space denser so that the local spatial character can be exploited more precisely and the classification accuracy and generality can be im- proved. In SSGP, the constraint of spatial neighborhood was imposed into the kernel function of Gaussian process, so the spatial correlations of labeled and unlabeled samples can be embedded in the kernel func- tion. SSGP not only raises the classification performance, but also is easy to build and realize. Experimen- tal results show that SSGP method is very good at classification of hyperspectral images in terms of classi- fication accuracy and stability in the case of small size of labeled training samples.