Monocular vision based vehicle identification are often divided into two steps: candidate generation (CG) and candidate validation (CV). Traditional CG procedure adopting ergodic approach often generates a large amount of candidate windows, which dramatically increase the calculation time in CV phase and hence is hard to meet the real-time requirements of practical application. In this paper a novel vehicle candidate generation meth- od is proposed based on geometry and depth information, which can greatly reduce the number of candidate windows generated. With the method, firstly images are divided into super pixel regions, and the geometry information and coarse depth information of images are obtained with pre-trained Adaboost classifier. Then by using the prior knowl- edge of vehicles (verticality, location and size) in global coordinate system, a hierarchical clustering strategy is adopted to merge the vehicle super pixel blocks in images and generate vehicle candidates. The results of comparison with traditional algorithms show that the method proposed achieves a great reduction in the number of candidate windows with a cost of minor drop in detection rate.