Optical pulse trains from mode-locked lasers carry low-jitter microwave signals. High-quality microwave signal could be obtained by using a band pass filter. A regeneratively-mode-locked fiber laser is used as an oscillation source to generate high-quality microwave signal. The phase-locked technology and cavity length control guarantee the stability of the system. The cost of the system is dramatically reduced by using the structure of "single-mode fiber+Farady rotator mirror" instead of polarization-maintaining structure. A semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is introduced into the optical microwave loop, which improves the side-mode suppression ratio effectively. The generated 20 GHz microwave signal has great performance with phase noise of --98 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz and line-width less than 5 Hz. The frequency stability is better than 1×10-10 within 10 h observation.