The magnetic field in the microwave interaction zone of the fountain atomic clock was measured by stimulated Raman transitions.By measuring the two-photon transition frequency between the Zeeman levels of the two ground states,we achieved a magnetic field measurement accuracy of the order of 0.28 nT.This method is immune to the Doppler shift and the AC Stark shift.The second order Zeeman shift of the fountain clock is 170.7×10-15,with the uncertainty of 7.2×10-16.
The magnetic field in the microwave interaction zone of the fountain atomic clock was measured by stimulated Raman transitions. By measuring the two-photon transition frequency between the Zeeman levels of the two ground states, we achieved a magnetic field measurement accuracy of the order of 0.28 nT, This method is immune to the Doppler shift and the AC Stark shift. The second order Zeeman shift of the fountain clock is 170.7 × 10^-15, with the uncertainty of 7,2 × 10^-16.