洪涝灾害历来是影响中国的主要自然灾害之一。根据历史文献记载及观测资料,从天气过程、水文过程、受灾情况等方面对1917年海河流域洪涝灾害的自然过程作了详细梳理。得出以下结论: (1) 1917年洪涝灾害呈现由台风袭扰→集中降水→山洪暴发/河流决口→积水/淹没→受灾的成灾过程。 (2) 7月份2次台风带来大范围暴雨,集中性降水出现于7月20—28日,沿燕山、太行山分布,而9月份2次台风带来的暴雨则使灾情更加严重。 (3) 1917年海河流域各河于7月中旬开始涨溢、决口,9月中旬上游降雨结束后,中下游水位趋于稳定并下降,10月份以后洪水才迟缓退去,而洪水泛滥引发的涝灾影响一直延续到1918年。 (4) 1917年洪涝灾害在海河南系和北系都有发生,南系尤为严重,共造成156个县受灾。受灾田亩级数在5级以上的区域主要集中于海河干流沿线、南运河沿线以及河北省文安县等低洼地区。
Flood is always one of the main natural disasters in China. Based on historical documents and hydrological observation data,a flood of Haihe River drainage area in 1917 was reconstructed,including weather process,hydrological process and disaster situation. Results are as follows: (1) The process of flood is composed of typhoon, heavy rainfall, flash floods or avulsion, being inundated and flood disaster. (2) Heavy rainfall began from 20th to 28th in July caused by two typhoons,along with Yanshan and Taihang Mountains. Another two typhoons in September made the disaster more serious than before. (3) All branches of the Haihe River started swelling and burst in the middle of July. Water levels stabilized and declined in the middle of September when rainfall in the upper and middle Haihe River ended. Flood began to recede after October. However,the impact of floods had been lasting to 1918. (4) A total of 156 counties, affected by floods in 1917, mainly distributed in the north branches, especially the south branches of Haihe River. The farmland area affected with more than fifty percent mainly concentrated along the Haihe channel and the South Canal,as well as in the low-lying areas like Wen'an County in Hebei Province.