SSAP(sequence-specificam plification polymorphism,序列特异扩增多态性)是种质遗传多样性分析和系统进化研究的有力工具之一。根据10个SSAP引物组合对28份柿属基因型的扩增结果探讨内切酶因素对SSAP逆转座子分子标记扩增的影响。结果表明,在以MseI和EcoRI组合消化的SSAP反应系统,且均以3个碱基作为末端选择性碱基的前提下,MseI与逆转座子引物组合的SSAP扩增性能优于EcoRI与逆转座子引物组合。研究结果为有目的和高效选择内切酶引物进行植物种质资源SSAP分析提供参考。
SSAP (Sequence-Specific Amplification Polymorphism) molecular marker has proven to be highly efficient in estimating genetic diversity and determining phylogenetic relationships in plant.Based on the result of SSAP molecular data derived from 10 primer combinations on 28 Diospyros spp.,the influence of restriction endonuclease on the performance of SSAP amplification was conducted.The results showed that when the SSAP analysis was digested by the combination of Mse I and EcoR I restriction endonuclease,moreover,its selective PCR amplification was performed with a retrotransposon primer in combination with either Mse I + 3 or EcoR I + 3,the performance of SSAP amplification with the combination of retrotransposon primer and Mse I + 3 was superior than that with the combination of retrotransposon primer and EcoR I + 3.These results would provide a guidance for high efficient and specific selection of restriction endonuclease in application of SSAP retrotransposon-based molecular marker in analysis of plant germplasm.