Based on Maxwell's demon device,a feedback quantum dots photoelectric refrigerator was proposed. In the weak coupling and sequential tunneling approximation,the expressions for the important parameters,such as the coefficient of performance and the cooling rate at steady state,were derived under the help of master equation. The cooling rate and the coefficient of performance at maximum figure of merit were obtained by using the figure of merit as the optimization objective function. This article focused on the optimal performance of the feedback quantum dots photoelectric refrigerator. It was found that the coefficient of performance at maximum figure of merit was always larger than CA coefficient of performance in any feedback. The negative feedback restrained the heat flux of the low temperature heat reservoir to flow into the refrigerator and can improved the coefficient of performance,but the cooling rate gradually decreased. In the positive feedback,the higher coefficient of performance and the maximum cooling rate were obtained when the positive feedback reached some value. Meantime,the optimal working regime of the refrigerator was found at maximum figure of merit.