Wind data measured by SHMS of Sutong Bridge During typhoon Damrey and Haikui in 2012 are taken as the research object. The stationarity of wind speed at the bridge site is firstly tested utilizing the run test method. Based on the stationary and non stationary wind speed models, the obtained wind characteristics such as mean wind speed, turbulence intensity, turbulence power spectral density are calculated and compared. Also, the evolutionary power spectral density of the wind speed time history were estimated using the EPSD estimation method based on Wavelet Transform (WT). Results show that the measured wind speeds present strong non-stationary characteristics. The non-stationary wind speed model, which introduces the time varying trend, is more suitable to represent the wind characteristics of measured strong winds than the traditional stationary model. The obtained EPSD can reflect the energy distribution of the measured turbulence wind speed in time- frequency domain. What's more, the averages of EPSD are in good agreement with the traditional Fourier-based PSD, which proves the effectiveness of the method in this article. Results can provide references for field measurement and numerical simulation of non-stationary wind field.