巡检系统是对人员设备实施量化和动态管理的现代化手段,是促进企业及生产部门实行科学化和信息化管理的重要步骤,目前在石油行业管线和井位巡查管理、电力行业线路和设备巡查管理和通讯行业线路和设备巡查管理、铁路及安全设备巡查管理等领域都有广泛的应用。结合移动通信巡检工作的实际情况,本文提出了一种改进的基于最短路径的地图匹配(Map Matching)算法。在全球定位系统(GPS)数据的采样时间间隔较长的情况下能较准确地对定位点进行地图匹配,能够绘制出与电子地图道路信息相符的定位轨迹,并在长沙移动基站线路巡视巡检系统中得到实现。
The inspection system is a morden method for dynamic management and quantification of personnel and equipment. Considering the inspection system of mobile communications,his paper proposes an improved map matching algorithm based on the shortest path. Based on the fact that the GPS data is collected with irregular and relatively long sample intervals ,this algorithm not only finishes map matching but also determines the routes between two successive points. Finally,this algorithm is applied in the inspection system of Changsha Mobile.