Three methods are mainly used to control wind - blown sand hazard, on the basis of the understanding of the mechanisms of air flow and sandy .bed. One is to impair wind speed near earth surface, the second is to reduce sand source and the third is to block the relationship between air flow and sand grains. This research aims to illustrate the characteristics of wind - blown sand on net - covered bed. The stability of sand surface under net -covered protection is mainly determined by shape parameters of net. Based on the observation of wind velocity profile and the structure of wind - blown sand, the mechanism of the porosity, diameter and other parameters of netcovered materials on the stability of sand surface have been investigated. In addition, the erosion -accu- mulated state of wind - blown sand under net - covered bed also relies on inlet wind velocity. Under small wind velocity, the sand flow on net -covered sandy bed mainly accumulates, while under great wind velocity, the sand bed begins to wind erosion.