To improve the denoising effect of pulsar signal, a new method is proposed in undeeimated wavelet packet domain based on local Laplace prior model. First,the undecimated wavelet packet coeffi- cients distribution characteristics of the true noise-free pulsar signal are counted,and the Laplace proba- bility density function model of the true signal wavelet packet coefficients is established. Then, the de- nosied wavelet packet coefficients are estimated by using the noisy pulsar wavelet coefficients based on maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion. Finally, the denoised pulsar signal is obtained by nosubsampled wavelet packet reconstruction of the estimated coefficients. The experimental results show that the pro- posed method can get better denosing effect than the nosubsampled wavelet method and the nosubsam- pled wavelet packet method based on Gaussian distribution, which can more better remove the noise of pulsar signal and more effectively preserve the micro-pulse detail information. Moreover, the proposed method has a better improvement in signal-to-noie (SNR), root mean square error, correlation coefficient and peak relative error, etc.