The corresponding author, email: Wu, received the BS and MS degrees in Information Processing from Xidian University, China, and Ph.D. degree in Cryptography from Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China. He was a professor in the school of Electronic Information Engineering & Automation, Civil Aviation University of China. His research areas are denial-of-service attacks, and security in big data and cloud computing Minxiao Wang, born in 1991. MS. His main research interests include denial-of-service attacks, network and information security. Changcan Yan, .received the MS degrees in the department of Electronic information engineering & automation, Civil Aviation University of China. Her main research interests include denial-of-service attacks, network and information security. Meng Yue, is a lecturer with School of Electronics Information Engineering & Automation, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin, China. His research was initially focused on information security and cloud computing, with special focus on denial of service attacks, intrusion detection, and defense.