对电化学沉淀法制备的氧化锌纳米棒阵列,通过室温下真空场发射电流密度与外加电压关系的测量,研究其场发射特性。根据测量数据,基于Fowler-Nordheim方程,估算了样品场发射效应的增强因子,观察到其取值随外加电压变化具有反常的两阶段性,即当外电场强度在3.3 V/μm场发射开启值到4.3 V/μm之间时,增强因子值为1339,外加场强大于4.3 V/μm时,增强因子锐减至296;结合样品的光致发光谱和能量散射谱,应用半导体中强电场效应、掺杂半导体中温度对费米能级、载流子浓度和迁移率影响,通过场发射电流密度测量系统的串联电路等效,分析了样品缺陷态对此两阶段性的决定和影响。
Periodic zinc oxide nano-rod arrays,which were synthesized by electrochemically deposited method,were experimentally investigated for their field emission(FE) properties,especially the current density varying with the intensity of the applied electric field;and the fascinating two-stage behavior of electric field enhancement factor(β) was observed(β=1339 when 3.3 V/μmE4.3 V/μm and β=296 when E4.3 V/μm).The abnormal performance and two-stage behavior of the β was explained based on the combination of the intensive electric field effect in semiconductor and its influence on the Fermi energy level with the effective series connection circuit of FE detection systems.