We studied allogrooming in a group of captive Francois langur ( Trachypithecus francoisi) at the Primate Reproductive Center, Nanning Zoo, Guangxi, between July 1 and August 31. We used focal animal sampling and all occurrence recording, recording 663 allogrooming bouts in 27 days of observations ( 162 hours of observations). Allogrooming was concentrated primarily on body surface areas that were inaccessible during autogrooming. Areas that were easy to reach were allogroomed less frequently, supporting the hygienic functional hypothesis. Allogrooming bout initiations and terminations were decided by groomers. Allogrooming occurred more frequently between adult females. Allogrooming was influenced by social ranking, but the highest-ranking individuals were not the most attractive gromming partners. Reciprocal allogrooming bouts among low-ranking individuals were more frequent than those between high-ranking individuals and low rank individuals.