利用我国云南省昆明市阳宗海湖心40 cm沉积岩芯,分析总氮(TN)、有机碳(TOC)、黑炭(BC)含量和黑炭同位素(δ~(13)CBC)等多环境指标,采用~(137)Cs和~(210)Pb定年方法建立沉积岩芯年代序列,探讨阳宗海近百年来TOC以及BC沉积变化特征及其对区域人类活动的响应.结果表明:(1)阳宗海沉积岩芯中TN、TOC和BC含量分别为0.76~5.07、4.95~42.65和0.69~11.16 mg/g;δ~(13)CBC值为-31.03‰~-25.45‰,均值为-27.18‰;(2)TN、TOC含量自下而上同步增长,TOC/TN摩尔比值在1994年左右增长到最大值后逐渐减小,反映了流域内人为活动导致的外源性TOC增加,阳宗海水体逐渐富营养化;(3)阳宗海沉积岩芯中BC含量及其同位素的时间序列变化,反映了当地能源结构的变化,工业源和居民消费源成为阳宗海BC的主要来源,BC与人口数量和能耗间呈显著相关.
Multi- proxy,including total nitrogen (TN),total organic carbon (TOC),black carbon (BC) and its stable carbon iso-tope (513Cbc), were analyzed in the 40 cm sediment core from Lake Yangzong in Kunming city, Yunnan province. The sediment core was dated using 137Cs and 210Pb,and then we discussed the deposition processes of TOC and BC responding to human activi-ties during the past 100 years in Lake Yangzong Basin. The results showed that: ( 1) the contents of TN,TOC and BC in the core of Lake Yangzong ranged from 0.76 to 5.07 mg/g,4.95 to 42.65 mg/g,0.69 to 11.16 mg/g, respectively,and the 813Cb(' values ranged from -31.03%〇 to -25.45%〇 with a mean of -27.18%〇; (2) the TN and TOC contents were both increased from the bottom to the top of the sediment core,and the molar ratio of TOC/TN reached a maximum in 1994 A. D. then gradually decreased, which indicated that the exogenous pollutants produced by human activities in the basin were continuously discharged into the Lake Yang-zong, and led to an eutrophication of the lake; (3) the changes of BC and 813Cbc series in the sediment core in Lake Yangzong re-flected the changes of local energy7 structure. With the rapid development of population growth and industrialization, carbon emis-sions were accelerated bv the present energy7 consumption structure which were primarily depended on coal, and industrial and resi- deiits' consumption became the main sources of BC ill Lake Yangzoiig. Ill addition,significant correlations were found between the BC and the population.