The aim of this paper is to analyze the interannual variation of temperature and salinity of the northern Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass (NHC) and factors leading to this variation, based on data collected during 1976-1999. The results outline linear trends of NHC temperature by + 0. 005℃ /a,while salinity doesn't have an obviously upward or dowmward trend. Winter air temperature is the main factor affecting the NHC temperature. But NHC temperature would be higher after Kuroshio Meander appeared. The salinity variation of NHC is the co-effect of Huanghai Sea Warm Current, heat flux of Bohai Sea and strong wind in winter. Freshwater in Huanghe River is not the main factor leads to the yearly variation of the NHC salinity, but its variation in a huge value would affect the trends of the NHC salinity.