The development of industry convergence can create integrated innovation,and it is an essential way for economic development driving force to transit from factor-driven and investment-driven stage to innovation-driven stage.And,synergy and co-agglomeration of industries(hereinafter referred to as SCI)is the spatial platform for industry convergence to happen in practice.Nowadays,it is an important trend to improve the city productivity and competitiveness,and a critical approach to optimize the industrial spatial distribution and promote the economic structure transition by forming SCI in limited space and promoting its level.By constructing the general analysis framework,this paper systematically examines the mechanism of cities'productivity improvement based on SCI under the background of integrated innovation and conversion of driving force for economic development in China.SCI has″Industry″and″Space″dual character.On the one hand,the SCI can create innovation through labor specialization and technical externality, which lead to the improvement of cities' labor productivity,and it is the channel to realize the conversion of development driving force;on the other hand,the SCI and city spatial structure mutually reinforce and generate circular cumulative causation under the effect of transportation costs and″face-to-face″contact needs.Therefore,this paper builds a bridge between the SCI and the improvement of city productivity theoretically,and provides a theoretical basis for promoting the level of SCI by adjusting the cities'spatial structure.This paper mainly investigates the productivity improvement effect and the spatial spillover effect of SCI on cities'labor productivity by utilizing the modified E-G index.A spatial econometric analysis across 240 Chinese cities in the year of 2004—2012shows that SCI has a positive impact on higher productivity in these cities,and neighboring cities'productivity improvement also has a positive impact on local cities.However,the positive relatio