A numerical model coupling a heavy-haul railway tunnel structure and its surrounding rock is estab- lished using the excitation function and based on the theory of dynamic finite element. The influence of different rise-span ratios and the thicknesses of the filling layer and invert on the characteristics of the dynamic response in a heavy-haul railway tunnel structure are analyzed. The resuhs show that dynamic response of the whole floor struc- ture of a heavy-haul railway tunnel is larger than that of normal railway tunnel and it is unfavorable for the stability of tunnel structure. The maximum response values of different mechanical indexes for a tunnel floor structure under heavy load and corresponding positions are obtained. Reasonable design parameters for the floor structure of a dou- ble-track railway tunnel under a heavy load are discussed; for the floor structure of a heavy-haul double-track rail- way tunnel, a reasonable rise-span ratio and thickness of the filling layer and invert are 1/10-1/11, 1.2-1.3 m and 40-50 cm, respectively. These parameters could effectively improve the dynamic response and stress state of these structures.