采用制造业部门单位劳动力成本指数(Unit Labor Cost,ULC)测算的一国实际有效汇率(REER—ULC)经常被用来衡量该国的国际竞争力状况。鉴于此,本文首先测算了1980-2002年期间中国制造业部门的单位劳动力成本指数,然后采用该指数测算了同时期的人民币实际有效汇率,在此基础上,我们对该时期中国国际竞争力的历史变迁与冲击来源进行了分析。
Unit-Labor-Cost-Based REER is often used to evaluate a country's International Competitiveness. In view of this, this paper first estimates China's unit labor costs in manufacturing, then we estimate RMB's real effective exchange rate by that index. And based on the measure, we analyze the secular changes of, and source of shock to, China's International Competitiveness.