针对团水虱爆发导致海南东寨港红树林大面积退化的现象,对退化红树林群落的退化特征与林下土壤理化性质进行调查研究。结果表明:(1)相比2012年,2014年东寨港红树林退化程度加深,表现为:活立木株数明显减少、死亡率明显增高、群落郁闭度明显降低;(2)团水虱Sphaeroma sp.对红树林树种的蛀蚀具有选择性。长宁河沿岸不同红树树种退化程度不同,退化程度由重到轻依次为:木榄Bruguiera gymnorrhiza(26.47%)〉尖瓣海莲Bruguiera sexangula var.rhynchopetala(10.71%)〉海莲Bruguiera sexangula(10.42%)〉秋茄Kandelia candel〉红海榄Rhizophora stylosa;(3)退化红树林区域土壤沙粒含量2012年和2014年呈显著差异,2014年土壤沙粒含量比2012年显著减少;粘粒含量呈极显著差异,2014年土壤粘粒含量比2012年显著增加,而土壤粉粒含量和土壤容重则差异不显著。各样地土壤的化学性质包括p H值、速效钾含量在2012年和2014年呈现极显著差异,全盐量、碱解氮、有效磷呈显著差异,相比2012年,2014年土壤p H值、全盐量显著降低,土壤碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾显著增加。
The mangroves in Hainan Dongzhai harbor mangrove national nature reserve suffered from degradation or even death due to the outbreak of Sphaeroma sp.Characteristics of degrading mangrove communities and soil properties were investigated to analyze the dynamic of the mangroves rapid degradation and death and variation of soil properties.Results showed that:(1) Mangrove degradation proceeded progressively from 2012 to 2014.Tree mortality increased and the number of live trees and canopy density decreased significantly.(2)The boring of mangrove trees by Sphaeroma sp.was species selective.Different mangrove species experienced different degradation degrees along the Changning river coast, with Bruguiera gymnorrhiza experiencing the heaviest degradation degree(26.47%) followed by B.s.var.rhynochopetala(10.71%) and Bruguiera sexangula(10.42%), and Kandelia candel and Rhizophora apiculata degrading least.(3)The soil sand content in 2014 was significantly lower than that in 2012 while the soil clay content in 2014 was significantly higher than that in 2012.soil silt content and soil bulk density did not have significant difference in 2012 and 2014.The soil p H value, total salinity, available nitrogen content, available phosphorus content and available potassium content were significantly different between 2012 and 2014.The soil p H value and total salinity in 2014 was lower than that in 2012.But soil available nitrogen content, available phosphorus content and available potassium content significantly increased in 2014.