目前国际上流行的3D复原,其实质是将科学和艺术这两各自独立的领域予以融合,让科学的理念与现代的技术接轨并以艺术形式体现。就古生物学研究而言,逐渐流行的3D复原技术不仅能让古生物学家对其研究的对象获得更为丰富、生动的视觉效果,更为重要的是让传统平铺直叙研究所涉及的、早已消失的远古生命,能在公众心中留下鲜活记忆。文中以产自云南早寒武世的冠群甲壳动物滇彝虾(Yicaris dianensis)为例,着重介绍了3D复原的流程,包括如何从化石图片获取有用信息,进而在软件里确立草图、建出模型、赋予纹理材质,以便最终创立动画。诚然,以往许多文献资料上都附有复原图,但它们多是二维的。利用本文介绍的方法复原出来的模型,不仅能转化成经典的二维图件用于研究论文和科普读物,还可应用于影视动画,甚至在电子游戏中得以发展(如带科普性质的古生物游戏)。事实证明3D复原技术也是古生物学研究的一得力手段,值得尝试推广。
3D-reconstruction,based on both sciences and arts,has recently become a popular medium in expressing scientific ideals through advanced technology.For paleontological studies,3D-reconstruction has not only led to vivid images of the fossils,but also described a wonderful world in detail about the life once lived on the Earth in the remote past for the public.In this study we mainly introduce the essential process of 3D-reconstruction,including how to get valuable data from a fossil image,to work out the draft,to prepare the relevant model with external details,and finally to create an artistic and scientific animation.In comparison,most of fossil reconstructions seen from previous publications are 2-dimensional,while the 3D-reconstruction completed by following the method introduced here can easily be converted into a 2D-reconstruction.Moreover,it could also be used for computer graphic animations and entertainment games,including some based on fossils.As a matter of fact,the technology of 3D-reconstruction is a powerful tool for paleontologists and worthy of trying in their studies.