E-mail: li@mail.ustc.edu.cn, Long Li is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Department of Computer Science & Technology, University of Science & Technology of China (USTC). He received his B.E. degree in computer science from USTC in 2003. His research interests involve language based software safety, program verification on assembly code level, garbage collection and concurrent program verification. E-mail: yuzhang@ustc.edu.cn, Yu Zhang received the M.E. degree in computer science from Hefei University of Technology in 1996 and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from University of Science & Technology of China (USTC) in 2004. She is currently an associate professor in Department of Computer Science & Technology at USTC. Her research interests include theory and implementation of programming language, especially on techniques for designing and implementing parallel programming languages, concurrent program analysis and verification, Just-in-time compiler assisted garbage collection. She is a member of China Computer Federation. E-mail: yiyun@ustc.edu.cn, Yi-Yun Chen is a professor in Department of Computer Science & Technology, University of Science &: Technology of China. He received his M.S. degree from East-China Institute of Computer Technology in 1982. His research interests include applications of logic (including formal semantics and type theory), techniques for designing and implementing programming languages and software safety and security. He is a member of China Computer Federation. E-mail: liyong@mail.ustc.edu.cn, Yong Li is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Department of Computer Science & Technology at University of Science & Technology of China (USTC). He received his B.E. degree in computer science from USTC in 2005. His research interests involve language based software safety, program verification on assembly code level, and concurrent program verification.