In this paper, extended evolutionary structural optimization (Extended-ESO) method was im proved in functions for meeting the requirements of architectural and structural design,increasing its ap- plicability for complex space requirements, and enhancing its calculation efficiency and quality of the new structure. Considering the space limitation of the architecture function,the allowable space of this meth- od was extended to free boundary allowable space and the concept of temporary allowable space was in- troduced in plane problem. In order to meet the need of structural function, a new method was introduced for creating rational structures with multiple load cases and constraints. Further considering material me- chanical properties,tension-only and compress-only structures were studied by extended ESO method. Otherwise,the features of the method were analyzed through several examples and some mechanical properties of the structures derived from the method were discussed. The structure form derived from this method was mainly in a state of uniform tension and compression stress,can reflect the reasonable force transmission and provide some references for concept design.