对麝Moschusspp.的分子系统进化地位进行了再研究。结果表明,不同的基因及序列长度、分析中不同的物种数目、不同的分析方法对研究结果产生明显影响。在用线粒体Cytb、16S rRNA基因及二者的连接序列分别构建的NJ、MP树中,都支持麝与鹿有更近的亲缘关系。在使用γ干扰素核基因的编码序列构建的NJ树中,显示麝与鹿也有较近的亲缘关系;而MP树则暗示麝与牛科有更近的亲缘关系。当选用包括林麝在内的18个物种,使用线粒体基因组重链上12个蛋白编码基因的核苷酸串连序列构建系统发生树时,在NJ、MP、ML和BI树中都支持麝与鹿有更近的亲缘关系,与选用23个物种得到的支持麝为鹿科/牛科二者共同姐妹群的结果存在明显差异。这可能是因为麝科与鹿科和牛科的亲缘关系较近,分歧时间较短,其分子片段所累积的进化信息较少,而且不同的分子片段进化速率不一致等造成的。因此,要彻底解决麝在偶蹄目中的进化地位必须要找到更适合的分子标记。
Anew study on the molecular phylogeny of musk deer was carried out using different genes,species and methods.When the mitochondrial 16S rRNA,Cyt b gene and their combined sequence were used to reconstruct the phylogenetic trees,the results suggested the Moschidae share a closer relationship with cervids than bovids.When the coding sequence of INF-γ gene coming from forest musk deer and other 13 species was used to reconstruct the phylogenetic trees,the topological structure of the NJ tree also suggested that the Moschidae share a closer relationship with cervids than bovids,while the MP tree suggested the Moschidae was closer with bovidae.When the 12 heavy-strand protein-coding genes of forest musk deer and other 17 species of cetartiodactylans was used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships,the results indicated that the Moschidae was most closely related to Cervidae,which was not consist with the study we had done using 23 species of cetartiodactylans,whose trees confirmed Moschidae was a sister group to Cervidae/Bovidae.This might attribute to close relative,short divergence time between these species,and insufficient phylogenetic information and different mutation rate in some gene sequence for Moschidae,cervids and bovids.Therefore,more studies are needed in the future to unambiguously resolve the molecular phylogenetic position of musk deer.