The effects of hydrodynamics on the concentrations of the colloidal trace metals Cd, Cu, Pb, Fe, Mn and Zn in Taihu Lake were studied by hydrodynamic disturbance simulation. It was found that concentration of each colloidal trace metal in the overlying water reached a peak after 22-hours of continuous disturbance. Concentrations of colloidal Cd, Fe, Cu and Mn were significantly correlated with disturbance intensity (r = 0. 799, 0. 709, 0. 820, 0. 788 ; p = 0. 001, 0. 007, 0. 001, 0. 001 ), while the concentrations of colloidal Pb, Zn were not so significantly affected ( r = 0. 542, 0. 523 ; p = 0. 056, 0. 067). Hydrodynamics affected colloidal trace-metal concentrations mainly by changing the total trace-metal contents and colloidal organic carbon (COC) contents, which lagged a short period behind the hydrodynamics. Effects of COC on colloidal trace-metal contents in the simulation were stronger than in the real situation at Taihu Lake, since the COC content in the lake water is higher than that. in the experiment.