火力单元优化部署问题是网络化防空火控系统的一个重要研究内容. 本文将要地防空优化部署作为组合优化问题, 优化目标为最大化部署方案对保护要地的防御贡献程度, 约束主要考虑了地理条件和火力资源. 利用网格离散化思想对防区进行划分, 对部署方案、火力覆盖能力、约束条件以及火力覆盖要求等条件进行了表征, 建立了问题的数学模型. 构造了一种基于Memetic算法的优化求解方法, 运用遗传算法和邻域搜索作为全局和局部搜索方法, 用解的构造方式和选择策略处理了约束条件,比较了局部搜索使用不同邻域时算法的运行效率. 最后通过实验验证了本方法的合理性和有效性.
Firepower units deployment optimization is a key problem of networked air defense fire control system. As a combinatorial optimization problem, research on the point air defense deployment problem is performed. The optimization objective is to maximize the protective contribution to the protected place in the scheme of firepower deployment, and the constrains include geographical conditions and resources of the firepower units. Firstly, the protected area is divided into many grids to make continuous protected area be selected location points. Secondly, descriptions of the deployment scheme, firepower overlay capability, location restrictions, and firepower overlay requirements are given. Based on the quantitive descriptions, a mathematical model is established. An optimization method based on Memetic algorithm is constructed by genetic algorithm and neighborhood search. Generation of feasible solution and selection operation are employed to solve the constraint satisfaction problem. In the end, experiments show that the method is feasible and effective.