盲蝽类害虫具有杂食性特点,但已有的取食行为研究主要集中于植食性,缺乏对其食性的全面认识。本文观察了中黑盲蝽在有选择和无选择条件下对四季豆豆荚和棉铃虫卵的取食与选择行为,并利用刺探电位技术分析了其对四季豆豆荚和棉铃虫卵的刺吸行为。研究显示:3种处理上中黑盲蝽总取食时间比例分别为:混合食物(四季豆豆荚和棉铃虫卵)38%、四季豆豆荚33%、棉铃虫卵27%,混合食物上取食四季豆豆荚的时间比例(22%)高于棉铃虫卵(16%)。6h测试时间内,中黑盲蝽刺吸四季豆豆荚时间为6 595s,高于棉铃虫卵(3 641s);单次刺吸时间以在四季豆豆荚上较高(334s)。以上结果表明中黑盲蝽喜欢取食混合食物,且倾向取食刺吸植物。研究结果对进一步解析中黑盲蝽的杂食性,探明其在生态系统中的地位及开发人工饲料有重要科学意义。
Mirid bugs are mostly omnivorous,and the feeding behavior of mirid bugs on host plants has been vastly assessed.In this study,the diet selection and feeding behavior of omnivorous Adelphocoris suturalis on the pods of the green bean Phaseolus vulgaris (Gb),Helicoverpa armigera eggs (He),or combination of green bean pods and H .armigera eggs (Gb+He)were analyzed with direct observation and electrical penetration graph (DC-EPG) technique.The results showed that the percentage of total feeding time on three food types were 38% (Gb+He), 33% (Gb),and 27% (He),respectively.When exposed to the combined food,A.suturalis preferred Gb to He, with longer feeding time (22%)on Gb than on He (16%).Total probe duration of A.suturalis on Gb was 6 595 s,significantly higher than on He (3 641 s).The probe duration per probing behavior was higher on Gb (334 s) than on He.The results indicated that A.suturalis preferred to feed on combination diet,and tended to probe on plants.The above studies are helpful for further understanding omnivory of this insect species,exploring its status in ecological system and developing artificial diet.