海南孔雀雉(Polyplectron katsumatae)为我国的特有鸟类,同时也是世界上体型最小的孔雀雉,仅分布于海南岛的热带山地雨林中。最近海南孔雀雉从灰孔雀雉(P.bicalcaratum)的亚种中被提升为种,同时被IUCN列为"濒危"等级,是目前我国最濒危的雉类物种之一。本文提供了关于海南孔雀雉的分布、生境、活动区和繁殖生态等方面的最新资料,同时对其保护和今后的研究工作提出了建议。
The Hainan Peacock Pheasant (Polyplectron katsumatae),the smallest allied species of somber forest peacock pheasants among the taxa of Polyplectron spp.,is a rare tropical forest bird endemic to China,and distributed only in the mountainous region of central and southwestern Hainan Island dominated by evergreen broadleaf forests.By integrating references and unpublished data based on our field surveys,we presented information on species status,distribution and population,habitat and home range,breeding ecology and conservation of the Hainan Peacock Pheasant.Future investigation should focus on its life history traits in relation to vulnerability.Considering its limited distribution and small population size,it has recently been recognized as "Endangered" by the IUCN Red List to prevent loss of this island endemic.