该文基于70年跨度的历时报刊语料库,使用九种统计方法计算了词语历年的使用情况,并通过对稳定性、覆盖度和时间区分性能的考察筛选获得了规模为3 013词的历时稳态词候选词集。该词集中动词与名词各占约三分之一(其余为形容词、副词与虚词),平均词长约1.7字,前密后疏地分布于历时语料库总频序表的前7 609位,覆盖了总语料的近九成。该部分词语中包含大量构造句子结构的核心词语。它们塑造了稳态词在词长和词类上的特性。稳态词的提取可以加深对语言生活底层与基础词汇的认识,对汉语教学、中文信息处理和语言规划都具有重要意义。
Based on the diachronic corpus of modern Chinese newspaper across 70 years,statistical measures are applied to detect the state-steady words.Altogether,3 013 words are decided as the candidates according to their corpus coverage,time sensitivity and diachronic classification.Among them,verbs and nouns cover one third,respectively,and the rest consists of adjectives and function words.The average word length is 1.7characters,distributed within top 7 609 in frequency list,and covering 90% of corpus.Basic morphemes and core words shape the features of the set in POS and length.