For large data bases, the number of frequent itemsets is huge and redundancy, and mining maximum frequentitemsets is more suitable because the scale of the output is much smaller. But traditional mining maximum frequent itemsetsalgorithm assumes the availability of precise data. Mining frequent itemsets from uncertain data streams is muchmore complicated than precise streams, and there is no research on mining maximum frequent itemsets over uncertaindata streams until now. Therefore, aiming at the shortcoming, the paper proposes a maximum frequent itemsets miningalgorithm TUFSMax. The algorithm adopts a decay window model to find frequent itemsets through calculating expectedsupports, and it uses a new method, called marking the tree nodes. By using the new method, algorithm TUFSMax canavoid super detection in the course of mining all of the maximum frequent itemsets, to save the detection time. Experimentalresults show that the proposed algorithm is efficient in time and space.