基于脊回归(Ridge Regression)理论,提出一种对角加载系数的非参数计算方法.通过分析剩余矢量随快拍数变化的趋势,该算法将误差绝对值作为剩余矢量的代价函数.仿真结果表明,新算法在小快拍数据和阵列存在失配时能够抑制噪声带来的旁瓣起伏效应,具有较好的稳健性.
A ridge regression-based diagonal loading method is proposed.The absolute residual is used as the penalty function in the algorithm by analyzing the curve of the number of snapshot w ith residual.The least squares estimation for the variance of residuals is replaced by absolute approximation to enhance the robustness of the ridge parameter.The simulations demonstrate that the method can suppress the fluctuation of side lobe not only in small sample number but also in the circumstance w ith array errors.