According to the published nucleotide sequence of chTERT(chicken Telomerase Reverse Tran- scriptase), a pair of primers were designed and total nucleic acids from MDCC-MSB1 cells were used as template for PCR. Then the products were linked into pMD19-T vector, cloned, sequenced and analyzed. The sequence of chTERT promoter region was 997bp, and the ratio of G + C in the Genome was 50.78%. The homology of chTERT promoter region to that of sequences (AY505015) was 99.22% in the nucleotide. The transcription factor binding motifs in the chTERT promoter region were compared with that of hTERT promoter region and several c-Myb (cellular proto-oncogene mycloblastosis) sites were found associated with chTERT only and c-Ets-2 (cellular proto-oncogene erythroblast)and WT1 (Wilm's tumor 1 tumor suppressor) were associated with hTERT only.Both have one E-box at -250 bp, and the other transcription factor binding motifs are similar to each other. ChTERT and hTERT possess an extensive CpG island and extending well into the coding region. Results presented here should promote structure-function studies of chTERT, including methylation profiles and contribute to the comparative analysis of TERT expression and regulation making progress in defining the molecular mechanisms of cancer development.