There is complex mutual interference among targets, background reflection and aerosol radi- ation under a real environment when optical remote sensing technology is used to detect targets in complex scene. This paper explores the technology of modeling and simulation for targets in a polari- zation scene. The optical theories and polarization model basis were introduced, and numerical simula- tion and analysis for Priest-Germer model were implemented. The simulation software for the detec- tion of targets in the polarization scene was developed and the design idea and frame of the software were given. Then, the model for Polarization Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function was in- troduced, and its Stokes expression was given and analyzed in numerical simulation. Four groups of polarization simulation experiments and gray level histograms of polarization images under wavelength irradiation conditions of 440 nm and 600 nm for two different surface materials were given respectively for two given target models, and a comparative experiment was analyzed. The experiment results indi- cate that polarization simulation software based on Priest-Germer model is sensitive to different tar- gets, irradiation wavelengths and materials, and provides better resolution and identification ability.