机动车尾气排放因子(emission factor)、路段行驶时间和交叉口等待时间等都是影响城市交通尾气总排放量的重要因素。而城市交通网络中路段通行能力的改善或者交叉口信号配时方案的调整都会直接影响机动车尾气排放因子和交通出行时间的变化,从而影响城市交通尾气总排放量的大小。为此,首先根据机动车在路段上的行驶状况,引入两个与出行时间关联的尾气排放因子,即路段正常行驶时的尾气排放因子和交叉口排队等待时的尾气排放因子,进而给出适用于城市交通网络设计问题的尾气总排放量计算公式;然后用双层规划方法综合优化信号灯配时方案和道路能力改善方案,以达到最大程度地降低交通尾气总排放量的目的。基于粒子群优化算法,设计了一个求解该双层模型的全局优化算法,该算法操作简单,易于实现,并用一个简单算例验证了本文模型与算法的有效性。
The total emissions in congested urban transportation networks depend significantly on the emission factor, the road traveling time and the intersection delay. Road capacity enhancement and signal timing adjustment directly affect the emission factor, the road traveling time and the intersection delay, and consequently the total emissions. Therefore, two speed-related emission factors, i.e., the road-traveling emission factor and the intersection-queuing emission factor, are introduced, according to the vehicle traveling condition, and a formula for total-emission calculation, applicable to transportation network design, is proposed. Signal timing and road network design problems are simultaneously optimized to minimize the total emissions by using the bi-level programming approach. The bi-level programming model can determine the optimal road capacity enhancernent and the optimal signal circle and signal split with the objective being total emission minimization. Based on the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm, a simple global solution algorithm is designed for the bi-level programming model. An example is presented to verify the proposed model and algorithm.