针对NVIDIA公司的CUDA技术用Geforce8800GT在Visual Studi02008环境下进行测试,从程序运行时间比较判断CUBLAS库、CUDA内核程序、CUDA驱动API、C循环程序与Intel MKL库以及FFTW库与CUFFT库运行响应的差异。测试结果表明,在大规模矩阵乘法和快速傅里叶变换的应用方面,相对于CPU,利用GPU运算性能可提高25倍以上。
IThis paper introduces the result of a test that evaluates the effectiveness of Compute Unified Device Architecture(CUDA) using NVDIA GeForce8800GT and the compiler Visual Studio 2008. It tests the speed of NVIDIA CUBLAS, CUDA kernel, common C program, Intel MKL BLAS, CUDA driver API program, FFTW and CUFFT Library in matrix-multiplication and Fast Fourier Transform(FFT). Test result of the large scale data shows that the computing ability of GPU is 25 times better than that of CPU.