探讨了在编著《中国梅花品种图志.中英双语增订版》时,为解决与国际接轨而遇到的先决问题。经钻研《国际栽培植物命名法规》(第7版)后,在梅种之下将品种分为3个品种群,即:①真梅品种群True Mume Group,②杏梅品种群Apricot Mei Group,③樱李梅品种群Blireiana Group。品种群以下,则不再分类、型等级别。而将二元分类法的内涵,融入品种名称之中。不同意樱李梅用独立的杂种学名Prunus×blireiana,也不同意把杏梅提升为独立的种名Prunus×bungo。樱李梅和杏梅还都应列在梅种之下,因三者之内果皮表面均具蜂窝状点穴——此乃梅、杏、李鉴别分类中的最关键性状,必须首先考虑,不能与其他性状等量齐观。
The authors discussed classification system of Mei flower Prunus mume cuhivars under the rules of ' International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants ( I. C. N. C. P. ) ' , when the book entitled ' Chinese Mei Flower Cuhivars' is being written. There are 3 cuhivar groups under Prunus mume species, the first is True Mume Group, the second is Apricot Mei Group and the third is Blireiana Group. There will be no further classification under each cultvar group. The spiritual content of so-called ' Dual Classification System' will be hidden into the name of each cultivar. The key character which is concerned of classification of Prunus mume, P. cerasifera and P. armeniaca is the dot grottoes on stone surface. Because both Blireiana Group and Apricot Mei Group are all with dot grottoes on stone surface, they should not be concerned as species and called in Latin name of Prunus blireiana and Prunus bungo, but should be remained as cultivar groups under Prunus mume.