作者通过渗透压计分别测定各溶液的渗透压值,通过CASA精子分析系统,测定精子运动参数,分析、比较了渗透压、pH、葡萄糖及离子溶液对夏牙鲆(Paralichthys dentatus)精子激活及运动特征的影响。结果表明:夏牙鲆精子激活的渗透压范围为581-1260 mosm/kg;在特定的渗透压范围内(单位为mosm/kg),A组(581-650),B组(762-877),C组(931-1060),D组(1117-1260)中,与NaCl和KCl溶液相比较,葡萄糖溶液可以显著提高夏牙鲆精子激活后的运动率;在相对高渗条件下(1091-1180),经Ca Cl2400、EGTA400和无Ca^2+人工海水激活的夏牙鲆精子运动率存在显著差异;且夏牙鲆精子最适的激活p H范围是7-7.5。综上,激活剂的渗透压决定了夏牙鲆精子能否激活并显著影响了激活后精子的运动率,同时葡萄糖、外源Ca^2+及p H均在一定程度上影响了精子的运动率。
In the present study, we evaluated the effects of osmolality, pH, glucose, and ion solutions on the sperm motility of summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) using a computer-assisted sperm analysis system. According to the results, the moderate osmolality for sperm activation was 581-1260 mosm/kg under the osmolality ranges as follows: among group A (581-650 mosm/kg), B (762-877 mosm/kg), C (931-1060 mosm/kg), and D (1117-1180 mosm/kg). The glucose solution had an advantage over NaCl and KCl on sperm motility. Under high osmolality (1091-1180 mosrn/kg), sperm motility significantly varied in EGTA400, CaCl2400, and artificial seawater without Ca^2+. The optimum pH for the sperm activation of summer flounder was 7-7.5. In conclusion, the present study indicated that osmolality is the most pronounced factor influencing the sperm activation of summer flounder. Additionally, glucose, exogenous Ca^2+, and pH influence sperm motility to different degrees.